New Garage/Workshop 2014/15

Quick Tour

This project was delayed by at least 3 years by the earthquakes here in Canterbury, NZ.  Groundwork finally started in late 2014.  We had to dig down about 1 metre . A 500 mm gravel raft wrapped in bidim cloth is put down and compacted every 150 mm.  A 200 mm concrete jacking slab goes on top of the gravel raft. This slab has so many metal fibres in it, it is almost magnetic. Then a 350 mm rib raft slab goes on top of the jacking slab. This contains 24 jack points so if there is any more ground movement or liquidfaction my floor can be re-leveled. Then a steel Kitset  shed is erected. Sounds simple!

New Shed Project

We will not talk about all the delays except to say that building a shed in the aftermath of the earthquakes in a Liquifaction Zone was a bigger challenge than before most people had heard this term!

A planned 16m by 9m shed ended up as a 15m by 9m shed by the end of the design stage. Design due to Geotech and new building codes changed from a 5 portal with 4 metre spacing  to a 6 portal with 3 metre spacing.

Ducato Truck

First work was in january 2014 when myself, my son and a Fiat Ducato 89 non-Turbo flatdeck truck cleared a sleepout, old 6x6m garage and a small shed from the back of our Beach section. Unfortunately delays in the permitting process meant that contractors could not start work to late May. At this point major rainfall caused the water level to rise to 200 mm to 300 mm  below ground level. As the plan was to excavate to approximately 1000 mm, all we could do was wait for water level  to drop which was unlikely to occur before November 2014.


May 2014 . Bugger! At this point water level and ground level very similar.

November 2014


Finally the groundwork was happening.  Although at this point I am mainly hoping that the neighbours’ garage does not slide into the hole.


Here you can see the gravel raft. It is 500 mm thick and wrapped in bidim cloth. Raft extends past the floor slab by 1000mm on all sides. So the raft is 17m x 11m. Surprised how many truck loads of dirt was trucked out, then replaced with gravel. Gravel compacted every 150 mm and checked by engineer for moisture and density. It Passed!

About now I broke my leg. (mid November) This was a complete pain in the A**. It meant I was unable to get out to the beach to monitor progress. Eventually sitting around at home with my foot elevated to prevent painful swelling drove me to create this site, just to give me something to do. I now am sure, insanity reigned, as this site will take me huge amounts of my time. So the next couple of pics were emailed to me by the helpful guys at Totalspan North Canterbury. (the crowd building the shed as my partner KT did not think it important to check each day as hour and half driving required.) She just does not understand how important my shed is, or my cars for that matter. 🙂

first pour photo

First slab/Jacking slab poured on top of gravel raft. This slab is 180mm thick  This has so much steel fibre in the concrete it is magnetic.

2nd slab being setup

Setting up the 2nd slab. This is the floor slab. It is 350 mm deep and contains the jacks. Note that earth works has already covered the Jacking slab on which the floor slab sits.


Above shows a close up of one of the jacks. The plastic cover ends up 5mm below level of the concrete floor surface. After a possible future earthquake causing the floor to move, concrete floor can be releveled by taking off caps and inserting rattle gun onto end of the screw. Note also the abundance of steel in the floor slab. These form the strength of the slab. There are 24 jacks in 4 rows of 6 in the slab.


Floor slab setup ready to pour. Awaiting building inspector to sign off “the ready to pour”.

2nd slab poured

Concrete finally poured on 3rd December 2014.


Finished slab with boxing stripped. Now unfortunately Christmas is fast approaching, and all progress halts. Except for the arrival of the shed pack from the manufacturer on the 12th December 2014.

kitset arrives

Due to high demand for building contractors in Canterbury replacing/fixing earthquake damaged homes, no more progress until February 2015.


Starting to take shape, I can finally see dimensions of the shed. It appears to be to be depressingly small. All I can now think about is the promise I made KT that all my car stuff will be unable to be seen from the house. (which gets built some time in the future.) Neighbours on one side no longer speak to me. Sweet! They won’t be able to complain about the grinders etc in their future.


Moving on rapidly. Two side walls clad  and starting to frame out the end walls. Neighbours who were not talking to me, are now all happy again as wall cladding up. What I did not have the heart to tell them is that they cut the window holes in after the cladding goes up, and as I have a mezzaine floor on that side of shed there will be 4 windows going in upstairs on their side. Oh well.wait to they see the deck on top of the carport that goes in front of the shed. My attempt to stop my shed from appearing too much like the big commercial loooking box that it is.


Walls and roof cladding on, just fixing the end capping. Lift is in front of the 2nd door opening. No prize for spotting the fiat 20v coupe.


Here’s a shot of the inside. It is 4.2m outer wall height, with approximately 5.1m at the apex. Plenty of height for my racking, forklift and 2 poster clear floor RAV hoist. (but can’t afford to put 3 phase power on to start, so hoist will have to stay away for a while yet). Late February all progress halts again, as doors, windows and builders are in short supply. Doors are at least 4 weeks away and windows powdercoating is no good so they are back to sqaure one.

It is 1.00am on the 7th of March 2015, as I write this sentence. We are still waiting on further progress. I will try and update as soon as we get some activity. Need doors, mezzaine floor and the deck/carport. Then I just need to paint the floor before its ready to move into. (and as my leg is finally useable I am looking forward to a burst of activity.)


Small amount progress at last. New tilt door installed. Roller doors are to be directly after Easter. So once I can close it off from the elements I will be able to paint the floor then start moving cars into the shed.

Roller doors were not installed directly after Easter, but thankfully only a couple of days late.


As well as door installation further progress with holes for joinery cut out and taped up ready for building inspection. Thought at this point will be able to start painting floors but at the moment busy at work making product for customers instead so can pay for shed. Heres a few extra pictures of the interior, as with holes cut for windows there is heaps more light.


This shot is looking to front wall and shows, 2 window holes in side wall, 1 window and 1 sliding door hole and the installed tilt door and roller door all in front wall.  Window and sliding door holes for mezzaine floor which is to be build next Monday (20/04/14). Tilt door cannot work until mezzaine floor installed to give something to hang its rails off.


This is the back wall, showing 2 more window holes in side wall plus window hole in rear wall and rear roller door.


Shot along drive leading up to shed. Unfortunately concrete drive was wrecked first by earthquakes then finished off by heavy equipment for excavations etc. House is stuffed and will have to come down when of no further use.


Brackets above laser cut out of 8mm steel. These are for the mezzaine floor connections. To be made out of 6mm steel, until engineers figures peer reviewed and the edge strength was found to be insufficent so increased to 8mm. I intended to cut myself using pullmax but can cut 6mm but not 8mm. Painted here ready for use. Thanks to a good friend Nick,who drew them up on cad so I could get cut out by Profile Cutters. Also your clearance allowance for bolts is perfect Nick!

Window in

Progress! 3 windows installed and mezzaine floor well underway.

Mezzaine start

Can see all three windows and mezzaine floor in this shot. Floor is 9 x 5.5 m.


More Progress! Stairs are in and mezzaine floor laid. Just need the railings finished. This weekend I can start on sealing the ply floor, and cleaning then etching the concrete floor ready to paint. And then I can start moving cars and stuff in.

One car crazy guy's attempt to document his addiction